Friday, August 05, 2005


The Blind Leading The Blind

When reflecting on the contract awarded to Lockheed Martin it is always wise to remember that the people who wrote it or are celebrating it have little or no experience with what FSSs actually do.

This was demonstrated recently when FAA Administrator Marion Blakey attended the EAA gathering at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. When asked why flight plans in and out of the D.C. ADIZ could not be filed by DUATS, her response was "That’s the first I’ve heard about that."

The reason pilots must go through Flight Service, of course, is all the post 9/11 hoops that must be jumped through to get into or out of the ADIZ. One would think that the Administrator would at least be up-to-date on security measures around that most sensitive of areas, our nations capitol. Apparently that would be too much to ask.

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